Future Sharks is a site that promotes entrepreneurs all around the world. From a solopreneur in rural India to a serial CEO in Silicon Valley, we aim to cover the most inspiring stories to motivate other people to go after their dreams.
As an entrepreneurs-first community, we aim to provide a networking and promotional space for entrepreneurs working on challenging ideas that will shape the world we live in.
In my personal blog, I cover all things digital marketing but mostly SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
I’ve had my blog up since 2014 and have been constantly growing my traffic through actionable guides and promotions.
You will find all about insurance and mortgages at my youngest site, The Insurance Nerd: quotes, reviews, definitions and more.
Ever wanted to find out how influencers got big? Head to So Influential to learn about their stories.
Mentioned collects the best overheard stories and provides endless entertainment for college students and city people.